воскресенье, 4 июня 2023 г.

Lookup and UDA properties


Lookup в TeklaStructures. Получение свойств для объекта модели
Lookup in TeklaStructures. Getting UDA properties for a model object element

The Lookup, which was described in the previous post, has been got a new function. Obviously it's possible to get from ModelObject not only it's public and private properties, fields, etc. but through a bunch of GetUserProperty() methods also get values from user defined attributes. And I thought that's this function would be very useful for users.

Now there is possibility not only read values of user properties for a certain ModelObject element but also for Drawing and DrawingObject objects that have model Identifier.

For getting UDA properties you just need to push button "Get selected objects" and on the second tab all possible properties will be shown. And as I wrote above, this mode works also when a drawing is opened.

Lookup in TeklaStructures. Getting UDA properties for a drawing object element
Lookup in TeklaStructures. Getting UDA properties for a drawing object element

Updated version you can download by this link.

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