пятница, 7 июня 2019 г.

[RC] Eurocode 1992-1-1 and Excel (part 1)

Hello to all! I'm starting to blog again after a long break.

In this article we will talk about reinforced concrete calculation and Excel

Today, the structural engineer must use calculation programs almost always. It helping a lot in work and it is necessary to carry out calculation every year faster and faster. Sofware developers improve their programs, listen to users, making them more convenient and functional. However, along with this, it is necessary to understand what the results of the calculation program. Many design programs may calculate reinforcement in bar and shell finite element, but it also important to be able to verify results alternatively. But today less and less engineers able to analyse rebar in simple reinforce section manually. I believe that anyone should not completely trust the calculation program. Therefore, I provide you with a dynamic library (dll) of custom functions for calculating reinforced concrete beams and sections in Excel.

How to use them:
  1. get forces for bar from calculation program and export it to .csv file (or directly to excel)
  2. open .csv file in excel and using user defined formulas analyse reinforced concrete setions
  3. calculate sections, draw chart etc.
What can be done with these udf:
  1. you calculate only those parts of structures that you want
  2. you can draw any materials charts
  3. for calculation you can use all excel functions and vba
How does it work?
Download and unpack archive with addins for Excel and .dll files. And install .xll extension to Excel (how to do it you can see here). That's all. Then you can use user-defined function for your calculations.

Now I developed following functions:
  1. en1992BendRSAs1(fck;yc;acc;fyk;ys;delta;MEd;b;d;c2) - calculation of the area of reinforcement in tenstion zone of rectangular section
  2. en1992BendRSAs2(fck;yc;acc;fyk;ys;delta;MEd;b;d;c2) - calculation of the area of reinforcement in compress zone of rectangular section
  3. en1992BendRSMRd(fck;yc;acc;fyk;ys;delta;As1;As2;b;d;c_2) - calculation of bending moment capacity for rectangular RC section
  4. en1992BendTAs1(fck;yc;acc;fyk;ys;delta;Med;beff;bw;hf;d;d2) - calculation of the area of reinforcement in tenstion zone for T-section
  5. en1992BendTAs2(fck;yc;acc;fyk;ys;delta;Med;beff;bw;hf;d;d2) - calculation of the area of reinforcement in compress zone for T-section
  6. en1992BendTMRd(fck;yc;acc;fyk;ys;delta;As1;As2;beff;bw;hf;d;d2) -calculation of bending moment capacity for T-section RC section
  7. en1992ShearVRdc(fck;yc;fywk;ys;d;bw;Asl;Ned;Ac) - calculation shear force capacite for the section without shear rebar VRdc
  8. en1992ShearAsw(fck;yc;fywk;ys;d;bw;VEd;Ned;cot θ) - calculation shear rebar Asw for rectangular section
  9. en1992ShearVRds(fck;yc;fywk;ys;d;bw;cot θ;Asw) - calculation shear force capacity with shear rebar VRds
  10. en1992BendWk(fck;fyk;MEq;phit;b;h;d;c2;As1prov;As2prov;ccov;diam;kt;k1;k2;k3;k4) - calculation cracks width for bending RC rectangular section
In fig. 1, 2 you can see example in my real practice
Calculation sheet with user-defined function in Excel for reinforced concrete sections
Figure 1. Excel calculation sheet

Moment and shear forces with user-defined function in Excel for reinforced concrete sections
Figure 2. Moment and shear forces diagrams
Files and .xll addins you can download by link - https://yadi.sk/d/bgJ8MjWNxQPP9A

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